“Lord, thank you for your amazing faithfulness to me. Help me to be faithful to you even in the difficult times of temptation, disappointment and discouragement. Like Joseph, may my life be fruitful, ” said Nicky Gumbel.
If your life is to be fruitful you have to stay faithful to God in the difficult times. It is relatively easy to be faithful to God when all is going well in life. The test comes when you face fierce temptation and great trials.
As the psalmist gives thanks to God for his faithfulness to his people, he recalls the life of Joseph.
Joseph’s life was immensely fruitful (see Genesis 37–50). Pharaoh ‘made him master of his household, ruler over all he possessed, to instruct his princes as he pleased and teach his elders wisdom’ (Psalm 105:21–22). As a result, ‘The Lord made his people very fruitful’ (v.24a).
But, Joseph’s fruitfulness came at a price. In the early days, it did not seem like his life would be at all fruitful. He was ‘sold as a slave’ (v.17). ‘They bruised his feet with shackles, his neck was put in irons’ (v.18). Joseph went through betrayal, slavery, temptation, imprisonment and a great deal of suffering.
Yet in all this he remained faithful. The reason for Joseph’s faithfulness was that he trusted that God was in control, even in the bad times (Genesis 45:5–8; 50:20). And eventually ‘the word of the Lord proved him true’ (v.19).
Not only did Joseph remain faithful to God despite his seeming abandonment, but he also remained faithful to his family in totally forgiving them, rather than blaming and rejecting them. Ultimately, his faithfulness led to great fruitfulness.